The Case of the Failing Framemd5…


The BFI National Archive SD video tape workflow transcodes and stores captured video tape as FFV1 matroska files, ingesting them into the Digital Preservation Infrastructure for long-term preservation. FFV1 is a losslessly compressed video codec now a standard for many SD video tape archives around the world. Sadly, producers of non linear editing software have … Continue reading The Case of the Failing Framemd5…

The NTTW Effect: Dispatches from Budapest

The dust has settled following another brilliant No Time To Wait (NTTW) conference which took place during a snowy week in Budapest, scheduled to coincide with the 17th birthday of Matroska on December 6th. This is the fourth year the conference has taken place, launching in Berlin in 2016, 2017 in Vienna, and 2018 at … Continue reading The NTTW Effect: Dispatches from Budapest

DPX preservation workflow with RAWcooked and fixity checking

Since acquiring a Golden Eye 4 (GE4) scanner here at the Media Archive for Central England (MACE) we've developed a DPX preservation workflow which I've decided to share here, in the hope of feedback and collaboration.  Our first DPX scans would be wrapped as uncompressed sequences using 7-Zip in a TAR archive and written to … Continue reading DPX preservation workflow with RAWcooked and fixity checking

AVhackers launches on Zulip Chat

To anyone who has been enjoying the open source audiovisual preservation topics covered in this blog please consider visiting a new Zulip Chat space that myself and a few #AVpres friends have just launched - AVhackers. The purpose of this space is still a little undefined, but I hope above all else it will form … Continue reading AVhackers launches on Zulip Chat

DIY Python microservices in audiovisual preservation workflows

This summer I had an amazing opportunity to work with a Computer Science PhD student for a few days receiving assistance writing and learning Python, resulting in the development of a couple of scripts for the Media Archive for Central England (MACE). I’ve been struggling to work with Python for over a year since discovering … Continue reading DIY Python microservices in audiovisual preservation workflows